June 30, 2015
With so many dive specialty courses being offered nowadays, it is often confusing to a diver on whether or not taking a specialty course will help their diving or simply be a waste of time and money. There is no one single specialty where this rings truer than the decision of whether or not to take a
June 30, 2015
Many divers in their quest for the perfect drysuit often spend hours scouring online stores, visit their local dive shops, and make their eyes go crossed looking at the small print of various size charts put out by the many manufacturers of these gems of cold water diving. These divers then will figure
June 29, 2015
Ever since I got into diving many years ago I have fancied myself a bit of an equipment nerd. With that in mind working at DRIS for me is likened to a kid working in a candy store with no shelves out of reach. Oftentimes I find myself perusing the shop and noting that sense of excitement when a new piece
June 15, 2015
This last winter was a long and frigid one for us here at DRIS. It was one spent with an ice scraper in hand and visions of tropical dive destinations dancing through our minds. Now that the weather is starting to warm up and the gears of our minds are working once again we decided it was high time to
June 08, 2015
You get a notification on your phone from that new coupon app that was just downloaded. The notification tells you that a local dive shop is offering a “Learn To SCUBA Dive” special for 99 dollars. Wow! What a deal, you quickly call up your friend who is a diver and excitedly inform him of the offer
June 01, 2015
So the sidemount diving bug has bitten you huh? Are you shopping around for a sidemount rig to call your own so you
May 25, 2015
Scuba diving regulators play a vital role in ensuring that the diver receives air at the appropriate pressure while diving. One of the most common questions about choosing a scuba diving regulator is, “Do I want a piston first stage or a diaphragm first stage regulator for diving?”
May 25, 2015
When a new diver asks what equipment they should purchase first they often get a myriad of answers. Beyond a well fitting mask and comfortable and effective fins, a solid BCD and dependable set of regulators usually rounds out the initial purchase recommendations. Of course there is another consideration.
May 18, 2015
Most often divers overlook the need to replace their wetsuit when getting equipment ready for a new dive trip or season. The common thinking is that if it isn’t ripped or has huge gaping holes in it that it’s still in condition to be used for effective exposure protection. Of course, there is more to
May 04, 2015
As I wipe the crumbs from the last of the Girl Scout cookies off of my keyboard and flowers are beginning to bloom, let’s dive(no pun intended) into a quick discussion about fitness for diving. While there are some who are lucky enough to have a year round dive season, most of us have a long and dry