The Dive Right In Scuba Blog

  1. Dive Right In Scuba Logo with The Dive Right In Scuba Blog spelled out

    BCD's Demystified. What Buoyancy Control Device to Choose?

    You’ve been diving for a while and either own a buoyancy control device(BCD) or have exhausted all of your possible rental options and are ready for a new rig. Well, where do you even start? Dive Right In Scuba is here to help with an informational blog written by our diving experts. They teach certified

  2. Product image of a Dive Rite BCD

    Travel BCD's Simplified

    We often get customer questions regarding what the best travel BCD is. While on the surface, it seems like a simple question...but what constitutes a “travel bcd”? While many have differing definitions, simply put it’s a BCD that’s easy to travel with. What’s that mean? Well, there are three generally

  3. Oceanic Jetpack BCD

    The DRIS SCUBA BCD Buyer's Guide

    Picking out the perfect set of dive gear can be a daunting task for any diver, whether new to the underwater world or experienced. Buoyancy Control Devices or BCD’s are no different. With all of the new styles and configurations flooding the market, the prudent diver needs to do his or her own research

  4. The Dive Rite Hunter-Pac BCD

    Product Spotlight: The Dive Rite Hunter-Pac BCD

    In recent years spearfishing has increased in popularity, and the dive industry has responded with some great innovations. Spawned from the invasion of Lionfish in southern waters and the ensuing derbys and fishing competitions, our friends in Northern Florida at Dive Rite saw the need for a minimalist

  5. DRIS Dive Gear 28lb BP/W System

    Product Spotlight-DRIS Dive Gear 28lb BP/W System

    In our neverending quest to better serve our customers, we are always on the lookout for feedback about what divers want and need. We then take that feedback and apply it to our product offerings. With that in mind one of the most common questions and requests from our customers is “what is a good, affordable

  6. The Halcyon Traveler BC System

    Product Spotlight-The Halcyon Traveler BC System

    Ever since I got into diving many years ago I have fancied myself a bit of an equipment nerd. With that in mind working at DRIS for me is likened to a kid working in a candy store with no shelves out of reach. Oftentimes I find myself perusing the shop and noting that sense of excitement when a new piece

  7. Dive Right In Scuba Logo with The Dive Right In Scuba Blog spelled out

    Should You "Wing" It?

    For the longest time, newer divers most often opted for the jacket BCD as a viable entry level solution to their diving needs. Why not? Jacket BCD’s are simple, easy to operate, widely found worldwide, and more often than not an inexpensive option. In recent years, there has been an uptick in new diver